
I'm having a hard time figuring out both from docs and code what the best 
strategy is 
for preventing a loop, if in post_save() you need to save the provided instance.

I'm implementing an ImageField that is able to handle multiple arbitrary 

For that purpose I've registered a signal, analog to what ImageField is doing, 
but using 
the post_save signal as I need to have the already saved original available:

*def contribute_to_class(*self, cls, name, ****kwargs*):    
/super/()*.contribute_to_class*(*cls, name, ****kwargs*)    */# noinspection 
PyProtectedMember    /*if not *cls._meta.abstract*:        
*self.generate_thumbs, sender*=*cls,        *)*

The idea was to have the available thumbnails and their url and path stored in 
PostgreSQL Hstore field. For that to work, I need to save the model again, 
hence the 

To test how to prevent the loop using dispatch_uid, I've created a small test 
app. The 
model uses a HashedTextField:

*class HashedTextField(*TextField*):    def __init__(*self, hash_fieldname, 
****kwargs*):        *self.hash_fieldname *= *hash_fieldname        
*/super/(*HashedTextField, self*)*./__init__/*(**args, ****kwargs*)

    def contribute_to_class(*self, cls, name, ****kwargs*):        
/super/(*HashedTextField, self*)*.contribute_to_class*(*cls, name, ****kwargs*) 
*post_save.connect*(*self.hash_field, sender*=*cls*)

    def hash_field(*self, instance, ***args, ****kwargs*):        *value *= 
/getattr/(*instance, self.name*)  */# type: *str        */ctx *= 
*Hash*('ripemd160')  */# 
type: HashDescriptor        /ctx.update*(*value*)        /setattr/(*instance, 
self.hash_fieldname, ctx.hexdigest*())        

    **def deconstruct(*self*):        *name, path, args, kwargs *= 
/super/(*HashedTextField, self*)*.deconstruct*()        
*kwargs[*'hash_fieldname'*] *= 
*self.hash_fieldname        *return *name, path, args, kwargs

(Hash and HashDescriptor are simple wrappers around hashlib, provided below sig 
the interested).

I've tried:
* dispatch_uid in above contribute_to_class, either with a static string or 
* the same but then in __init__() (no diff, as __init__() is called when field 
is attached to 
model, not when an instance is created).

I can either use a different approach (save the hash as a ManyToMany) or use 
something like this on the model:

*def __init__(*self, ***args, ****kwargs*):    *self._saving_hash *= False    
/super/()*./__init__/*(**args, ****kwargs*)*

and then update _saving_hash within hash_field(), which is less then ideal as 
requires the consuming model to alter it's __init__().

Am I missing an option to do this with dispatch_uid from within the field?

Melvyn Sopacua

/# noinspection PyUnresolvedReferences

/*class HashDescriptor(/object/):    def update(*self, data, encode*=True**):   
*encode*:            *self._ctx.update*(*data.encode*())        else:           

    def hexdigest(*self*):        return *self._ctx.hexdigest*()

class Hash(*HashDescriptor*):    *_ctx *= None

    def __init__(*self, name*):        if *name *in 
*self._ctx *= *hashlib.new*(*name*)        else:            *self._ctx *= 
/super/(*Hash, self*)*./__init__/*()


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