
The problem here is as you say, your server doesn't know the clients
timezone. This isn't trivial to find out either. I can help you with some
pointers though:
1. ALWAYS save all times in the database in UTC. ALWAYS - never diviate
from this - one exception - if you are running a server that will only be
used in a specific timezone. Set the default timezone in django to UTC.
2. You can set the timezone for the current request -
The problem that you have is to identifiy the users timezone - this isn't
that easy - it can be done via a javascript library like the one you are
using, or via a project like this:


2017-01-21 10:40 GMT+01:00 Bernd Wechner <bernd.wech...@gmail.com>:

> I have a model with this field:
> date_time = models.DateTimeField(default=timezone.now)
> if I look at the generic create form, it inializes the date_time field
> with now in UTC, not in local time.
> Now I appreciate there are two things at play here:
>    1. the desired UX is to see now in my time zone.
>    2. Django, running on the server has no idea what my time zone is.
> Now I can think my way through this and find some solutions, not short of
> imagination here. But as I work on nutting one out, I am struck, as ever,
> with the notion that 1. is surely a ubiquitous use case ... namely I cannot
> seriously be the first person to have this desire or tackle this problem
> and is there not a stock standard approach in Django to doing this?
> As I read it I can find the time zone in Javascript at the client side:
> This works fine for example:
>     var tz_name = jstz.determine().name();
>     var tz_offset = new Date().getTimezoneOffset()/60;
> giving me pleasing results (though I appreciate, before anyone points it
> out, that pleasing results are by no means guaranteed as it as it is
> premised on the correct TZ configuration of the client computer among other
> things, but the application in mind does not REQUIRE time accuracy (am just
> logging events that happened at a given time and timezone errors are of no
> practical data integrity or security concerns for a few good reasons) .
> And I can submit these in hidden fields too.
> But the obvious solution, which I find a tad kludgy alas is at the client
> side in JS to find the date_time input field, and adjust it's value from
> UTC to local time. Right now it's presenting as UTC.
> Even if I could find a way to ask Django to use a different timezone
> (tmiezone.activate) it won't kow what Timezone until it's heard from the
> client. And it's not in HTTP headers alas, though someone thinks it should
> be:
> http://blogs.windwardreports.com/davidt/2010/04/can-we-
> please-get-a-time-zone-in-the-http-request-header.html
> On submission of course as I can submit the TZ info in hidden fields it
> should be easy to convert the submission back to UTC for saving into the
> database.
> Still, I wonder openly, is this not long solved, more elegantly?
> Regards,
> Bernd.
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