I hope there 's a documentation how to do "running-asgi-alongside-wsgi" 
(I tried google, but none found for how to do it)

I'm just afraid to hand over every request to asgi which I don't know much 

I have another question.

I'd like to send notification to websocket client when some signal 
(post-save, etc) occurs.  

For instance, if user-a starts following user-b (post-save signal occurs), 
(and this happens over wsgi, normal django),
I'd like to send notification to user-b through websocket.

Is the above usage possible with wsgi/asgi dual setup?

I didn't fully understand interface-server/channel-backend/workers concept. 
A single image could help people like me.

I wonder if the following is correct?

nginx --- wsgi --------------  django
nginx --- asgi --- redis ---/

asgi is interface-server
redis is channel-backend
django is workers

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