
from compositekey import db

On my compositekey project the development is stopped on 1.5 django release.

The Django 1.6 release, with an huge ORM refactoring and a huge testing
refactoring, let my work hard to maintains. What I understand after the 1.6
release is that this fe<ture has to be inside the framework, not in an
external library.

As I know Michal Petrucha make a good job on GSoc 2011.
However, I don't know when is in planning the composite key feature in the
django release.


On Tue, Jan 3, 2017 at 10:49 AM, ramesh <ramesh.mel...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Hi,
> Below is the model generated for one of the table from the legacy database
> using "inspectdb"
> class Test(models.Model):
>     field1 = models.AutoField(db_column='Field1')  # Field name made
> lowercase.
>     field2 = models.ForeignKey('Field2', models.DO_NOTHING,
> db_column='Field2')  # Field name made lowercase.
>     field3 = models.CharField(db_column='Field3', max_length=200)  #
> Field name made lowercase.
>     field4 = models.CharField(db_column='Field4', max_length=300,
> blank=True, null=True)  # Field name made lowercase.
>     class Meta:
>         managed = False
>         db_table = 'test'
>         unique_together = (('field1', 'field2'),)
> Table definition in MySQL:
>     CREATE TABLE comment (
>         Field1                          INT             UNSIGNED    NOT
> NULL    AUTO_INCREMENT              COMMENT 'Field1',
>         Field2                          INT             UNSIGNED    NOT
> NULL                                COMMENT 'Field2',
>         Field3                          VARCHAR(200)                NOT
> NULL                                COMMENT 'Field3',
>         Field4                          VARCHAR(300)
> DEFAULT NULL                COMMENT 'Field4',
>         KEY ( Field2 ),
>         FOREIGN KEY (Field2) REFERENCES item (Field2) ON DELETE CASCADE,
>         PRIMARY KEY  ( Field1, Field2 )
> Migrations failed with the error,
>     "A model can't have more than one AutoField."
> AssertionError: A model can't have more than one AutoField.
> Tried work around of
> from compositekey import db
> id = db.MultiFieldPK("field1", "field2")
> Now a different error,
>     from django.db.models.sql.aggregates import Aggregate
> ImportError: No module named aggregates
> Another work around of defining a new auto_increment field as primary key
> but here one of the composite keys (field1) is auto_incremental causing 2
> auto_increment fields in a table.
> Also this needs MySQL table alter, as this is a legacy database with many
> tables, this is quite difficult.
> Please advise me on work around, correct me if I am missing some thing
> here in the process.
> Thanks in advance.
> Ramesh.
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