
On Sunday 25 December 2016 11:14:03 ludovic coues wrote:
> I believe that is the intended behaviour.
> When I use a banking site for example, I don't want to be disconnected
> while doing operations 5 minutes after login in. I want the session
> to expire when I stop using it.

There is actually 3 ways to handle sessions:
1) Session expires at fixed time in the future and is not extended by use 
almost never a good thing).
2) Session expires when not used for configured time. It is extended by use. 
Cookie is 
also extended (Django's behavior).
3) Session expires when not used for configured time. It is extended by use. 
has no expiration time and is expired when browser window is closed.

The 3rd is useful so that if you close your browser, someone else cannot resume 
your session even if the session is still valid and it still does not have the 
characteristics of the first method.

This 3rd method can be enabled using SESSION_EXPIRE_AT_BROWSER_CLOSE. See 
this link[1] for information.

> > As pratical example, I set settings.SESSION_COOKIE_AGE=30. as long
> > as
> > I visited my site during `SESSION_COOKIE_AGE` , the cookie with
> > session_key will persist forever !
> > 
> > What I want is that django will force session to expire if time past
> > `SESSION_COOKIE_AGE` seconds after the moment session_key generated.
> > So how to config my project ?

What is the reason you want this? It's almost never a good a thing. Only good 
case I 
can think of is in game or test settings, where you need to complete certain 
within a set timeframe.

Melvyn Sopacua


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