Ill be honest, I'm still not getting how your models are structured. That 
is ok though, I can give you some pointers and hopefully  that will be 
sufficient. I'll also be very explicit in describing the steps. Several are 
probably better as single orm calls. _meta docs at

Hope this helps. If you have any clarifying questions I am happy to chime 
in more.

from django.db.models import TextField
#First get all ingredients you are interested in (I am assuming that
#mixtures are only one level deep, if not then build a recursive call)
ingredients = Substance_Ingredients.objects.filter(substance=<parent 
substance>).values_list('', flat=True)
#Get the substance instances for these
child_substances = Substance.objects.filter(pk__in = ingredients)
target_text = ''
for cs  in child_substance:
    #Get all OneToOne and OneToMany fields

    models =  [
        (f, f.model if f.model != (Substance or SubstanceIngredient) else 
        for f in Substance._meta.get_fields()
        if (f.one_to_many or f.one_to_one)
        and not f.auto_created and not f.concrete
    ingredient_text = ''
    for field, model in models:
        #Check the model for TextFields
        tfs = [f for f in model._met.get_fields() if isinstance(f, TextField
        #get the textfield attributes for your substance field
        field_text = [getattr(field, tf, '') for tf in tfs]
        #compile you text strings at the necessary levels
        ingredient_text = '{}, {}'.format(ingredient_text, '.'.join(

    child_text = '{}: {}'.format(cs.substance_name, ingredient_text)
    target_text = '{}\n{}'.formate(target_text, child_text)

#Save you target text to the original substance

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