I have a Document model that has an M2M-symmetrical field on itself.  The idea 
is that we can "link" documents to other documents.  It's very simple to find 
the linked documents of a particular document, but is there an easy way to get 
all the linked documents of the linked documents of the document in question?  
I will probably have to write my own QuerySet or ModelManager function, but I 
was just curious if Django had something built in.

For example:
A is linked to J, C, K.

è J is linked to A

è C is linked to A

è K is linked to A
B is linked to J, M, P.

è J is linked to B

è M is linked to B

è P is linked to B
C is linked to O.

è O is linked to C
D is linked to O, P, R.

è O is linked to D

è P is linked to D

è R is linked to D

So when I get the entire "chain" of documents linked to A, I would get 
something like this:
J, C, K, B, O, D, P, R, M

Since J is linked to A and B, K is linked to A, and C is linked to A and O and 
O is linked to D, and D is linked to O and P, R is linked to D and P is linked 
to B which is linked to M (and J).
Hmmm...my contrived example exploded on me more than I intended...

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