i have some class in tables.py:
import django_tables2 as tables
from django_tables2.utils import A
from .models import Message
class MessageTable(tables.Table):
    message_text = tables.LinkColumn('mssgs:detail', text=lambda record: 
record.message_text, args=[A('pk')])
    group = tables.LinkColumn('grps:detail', text=lambda record: 
record.group, args=[A('group.pk')])
    class Meta:
        model = Message
        attrs = {'class': 'table table-bordered'}
        fields = ['message_text', 'group', 'date_create']

in other app i want to inherit this class without group-column:
from mssgs.tables import MessageTable
class GroupMessageTable(MessageTable):
    class Meta:
        fields = ['message_text', 'date_create']


from mssgs.tables import MessageTable
class GroupMessageTable(MessageTable):
    class Meta(MessageTable.Meta):
        fields = ['message_text', 'date_create']


from mssgs.tables import MessageTable
class GroupMessageTable(MessageTable):
    class Meta(MessageTable.Meta):
        fields = ['message_text', 'date_create']
        exclude = ['group']

but group-column is not hiding..
How to inherit Meta class?

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