
Tx for the suggestion but how do I reload a page after eg 30 seconds? 
Is there no mechanism that when the background tasks finishes to have a web 
page called which could display the results?
I had a look at the signal mechanism of Django but I think that is not 
working since the background task is in another environment than the django 
apps which called it. 


On Thursday, 10 November 2016 09:55:08 UTC+1, Antonis Christofides wrote:
> (Note: The most popular way to do asynchronous tasks is celery, but indeed 
> some 
> people prefer django-rq, which is said to be simpler. But your question is 
> not 
> affected by that.) 
> I'm not an expert but I think that the "correct" way to do what you want 
> would 
> be to use comet (i.e. the opposite of ajax). However, if the work required 
> to 
> make that work is not justified by the budget or the business case, you 
> might be 
> able to get away with a message like "This information is being 
> (re)calculated. 
> Reload the page after half a minute to view the updated results." (That's 
> what I 
> did last time :-) 
> Regards, 
> Antonis 
> http://djangodeployment.com 
> On 2016-11-10 10:04, Alain Muls wrote: 
> > Hi All 
> > 
> > I am building a website which makes calculations about the visibility of 
> > satellites. These calculations take about half a minute so I do not want 
> to 
> > block the site during this time. I found django-rq and was able to start 
> a 
> > asynchronous task which handles the calculations. 
> > 
> > The problem I have is how do I find out when the calculations of the 
> task 
> > thread are done so that I can direct the results to another web page 
> which 
> > will display them? 
> > 
> > Thanks for your help 
> > 
> > Alain Muls 
> > 
> > 

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