It's a python error.
First argument of method on an object is always the object itself,
named self by convention. For exemple,

    class Greet:
        def hello(self, name):
            print("Hello %s!" % name)

Python will take care of passing this argument when you call the method.

2016-10-24 20:52 GMT+02:00 Carlos García <>:
> Hi, I'm creating a app which do a request to a API and the result is showing
> on a web page. My code is this:
> from django.db import models
> from django.template import Template, Context
> from django.http import HttpResponse
> import requests, json
> class HotelService(models.Model):
>         def getAvailAndRates(getAvailAndRatesRQ):
>               datos = json.dumps(getAvailAndRatesRQ, ensure_ascii=False)
>                 cabeceras = {
>                   'Content-Type': 'application/json',
>                     'action': 'getavailandrates',
>                   'format': 'json',
>                       'Accept-Encoding': 'gzip'
>               }
>               url =
> ''
>           response =, data=datos, headers=cabeceras)
>                 if response.status_code == 200:
>                 results = response.json()
>               else:
>                   results = "Error"
>               return results
> from django.shortcuts import render
> from django.http import HttpResponse
> from .models import HotelService
> import json
> # Create your views here.
> def show(request):
>     rq = {"Credentials": {
>                          'UserName': '*******',
>                          'Languaje': 'es',
>                               'Password': '*******',
>                  },
>                      'GetAvailAndRatesRQ': {
>                         'NotGetCancellationInfoCollection': False,
>                              'GetMultiGroupRates': True,
>                             'RQRec':[{
>                                      'HotelCode': 'ROL01',
>                                   'RQID': 1,
>                                      'RoomRQ': [{
>                                            'PaxAgeList':[30,
>                                               30,],
>                                           'CH': 0,
>                                                'RQID': 1,
>                                              'AD': 2,
>                                                'RoomCode': 'FAM',
>                                              'CU': 0,
>                                                'NoRooms': 1,
>                                           'BoardCode': 'TI',
>                                      }]
>                              }],
>                             'NotGetChargeInfoCollection': False,
>                            'PromotionCodeList': [],
>                                'GetPromotionsCollection': True,
>                                'DateTo': '2016-11-5',
>                          'IncludedPromotionsInOnlyBar': False,
>                           'DateFrom': '2016-10-30',
>                               'GetHotelRS': False,
>                            'Languaje': 'es',
>                               'GetHotelDetails': False,
>                               'GetHotelsWithoutAllotment': True,
>                              'OnlyBar': False,
>                               'NotGetDailyPriceCollection': True,
>                             'ExactRoomMatch': False,
>                                'GroupRateList': [],
>                            'CustomerCode': 'WEB',
>                          'Criteria': [],
>                 }
>               }
>       product = HotelService.getAvailAndRates(rq)
>         return HttpResponse(product)
> It's giving the error: unbound method getAvailAndRates() must be called with
> HotelService instance as first argument (got WSGIRequest instance instead).
> --
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