I still don't understand the goal. Maybe you can mock up a screenshot 
and/or give a code example.

On Monday, September 19, 2016 at 12:41:32 PM UTC-4, RompePC wrote:
> Nope, as I wanna the ModelChoiceField rendered in the filter list I did in 
> my own (not the sided one).
> El lunes, 19 de septiembre de 2016, 18:15:17 (UTC+2), Tim Graham escribió:
>> ModelAdmin.list_editable?
>> https://docs.djangoproject.com/en/stable/ref/contrib/admin/#django.contrib.admin.ModelAdmin.list_editable
>> On Monday, September 19, 2016 at 11:05:22 AM UTC-4, RompePC wrote:
>>> Nope, it isn't a lookup separator: for simply understanding, I wanna get 
>>> the FK widget (the HTML, the select, all of that) that is show when adding 
>>> an object that has a related key (say, adding a new City and selecting 
>>> its Country in the same model, 'cause a City belongs to a Country) so I can 
>>> use it anywhere in my panel.
>>> El lunes, 19 de septiembre de 2016, 16:31:55 (UTC+2), Tim Graham 
>>> escribió:
>>>> Is your request https://code.djangoproject.com/ticket/10743?
>>>> On Monday, September 19, 2016 at 10:08:59 AM UTC-4, RompePC wrote:
>>>>> Yep, the second one is what I wanna do. Althrough they aren't inlines, 
>>>>> but like FK filter choices in the list view (not the default ones).
>>>>> It's hard to understand, I know it can be done, but don't know how. 
>>>>> Will keep searching and throw some light here when done.
>>>>> El lunes, 19 de septiembre de 2016, 14:06:28 (UTC+2), ludovic coues 
>>>>> escribió:
>>>>>> I looked into it after my first reply and my suggestion was wrong. 
>>>>>> If you want to display the value of a foreign key object's property 
>>>>>> in 
>>>>>> the admin page to select an object to change, you can add a callable 
>>>>>> to list_display. 
>>>>>> For exemple, ` list_display = ('title', lambda o: getattr(o.author, 
>>>>>> "name", "-"),) `. The callable will get one argument, an instance of 
>>>>>> the model. 
>>>>>> If you want to display a field to change a property of a foreign key 
>>>>>> object, I haven't found a way. Best option might be a inline model 
>>>>>> admin. 
>>>>>> 2016-09-19 12:24 GMT+02:00 RompePC <durillo...@gmail.com>: 
>>>>>> > Hi again, I didn't have time to try it until now, but I just 
>>>>>> realized that 
>>>>>> > maybe I asked the wrong way. What I wanna do is to render the 
>>>>>> widget 
>>>>>> > associated to that FK in the panel, not its name. So I need to pass 
>>>>>> the 
>>>>>> > field or its rendered content to the context, but I don't know how 
>>>>>> to do get 
>>>>>> > it. 
>>>>>> > 
>>>>>> > El viernes, 16 de septiembre de 2016, 13:59:26 (UTC+2), ludovic 
>>>>>> coues 
>>>>>> > escribió: 
>>>>>> >> 
>>>>>> >> Have you tried something like author__name ? Assuming a model with 
>>>>>> an 
>>>>>> >> author foreign key. 
>>>>>> >> 
>>>>>> >> 2016-09-16 8:56 GMT+02:00 RompePC <durillo...@gmail.com>: 
>>>>>> >> > I would like to pass to the list display view a FK field of the 
>>>>>> admin 
>>>>>> >> > form 
>>>>>> >> > (like the ones when adding a new row). But I don't see the way 
>>>>>> of doing 
>>>>>> >> > it, 
>>>>>> >> > although I've searched along many properties of the model admin 
>>>>>> to get 
>>>>>> >> > it. 
>>>>>> >> > 
>>>>>> >> > Anyone did something like that before? 
>>>>>> >> > 
>>>>>> >> > -- 
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