On Sep 18, 2016 10:22 PM, "Ali khan" <alipathan123...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Thank you for your kind response James.
> I must be doing something wrong but I thought that importing different
models and assigning them with variable may had help me to filter it out. I
will try your suggestion first to save your valued time and then will post
with result.
> Let me add a field for the seller in my "Orders" model like "seller =
models.ForeignKey(Seller)" and then filter it out.
> But I tried that before still as per your suggestion I will do that again.
> Thanks again.

Once you do that, you can filter the orders with something like this:

orders = Order.objects.filter(seller__user=user)

Inside of the filter function you defined. The way you are currently doing
it, you'll end up with Seller objects rather than Order objects.


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