On 7/09/2016 6:49 PM, James Schneider wrote:
On Sep 6, 2016 10:44 PM, "Mike Dewhirst" <mi...@dewhirst.com.au
<mailto:mi...@dewhirst.com.au>> wrote:
> I'm looking for a step-by-step system admin recipe to get away from
Python 2.7 because unicode on 2.7 is doing my head in. This is ugly I
know but that's how it is.
> Staging server is Ubuntu 12.04on local hardwarewith Python 2.7 and
it runs Apache2 and mod_wsgi. It serves Django, Subversion, Buildbot,
Trac and Samba (local fileserver for Windows PCs) all of which need to
keep running after the upgrade. I can take them all down temporarily
when required.
> Production server is Ubuntu 14.04 with Python 2.7 and runs Apache2
and mod_wsgi. It is dedicated to serving Django alone. It is a VM in a
private cloud.
Argh...different platform OS versions for staging and production!
To be honest that never bothered me although it makes sense in
hindsight. By the time we went into production Ubuntu had released 14.04
and we didn't have any pressing incentive to move staging forward. We
still have until mid-next year before support evaporates.
I suppose that isn't the worst thing as it relates to Python 2.7,
since things should stay synced.
Python 3 development is moving much faster, so you do have different
3.X versions available between Ubuntu LTS releases. This is
problematic with your current deployment, especially since a few
changes in 3.2 broke code compatibility as it relates to Unicode
strings, ironically.
There is a deadsnakes repo which would let us keep identical pythons on
any current Ubuntu system. And having done some research on this I was
expecting advice to move in that direction. I would impose 3.5 on all
systems if we go there.
The only way to keep the Python versions the same would be to compile
a specific version yourself on both boxes (although someone may
provide a back port).The real 'gotcha' here is WSGI/Apache. Mod_wsgi
has to be compiled against the version of Python that you plan to use.
Obviously it can also be compiled in along with python itself, but now
we've started down a long unmanageable road of security updates and
custom integration. This is why package management was invented; so
that I don't have to think about keeping things up to date, and just
rely on people smarter than me to provide those updates in an
automated process. Well...I still have to tell the system to update,
but everything else is automated.
This is where the nightmares begin. I don't mind compiling the right
bits and pieces but it isn't something I have deliberately done before.
I have totally relied on package management to date. Again, honesty
compels me to say it is daunting.
I'm only referring to the base python (and the root pip3) installation
here. Pip3 and virtualenv should be utilized for everything else.
Yes. How does Apache decide which Python to use?
> At this stage my fallback plan is to build a new staging server on
Ubuntu 16.04 on local hardware and reinstall Subversion, Buildbot,
Trac and Samba. That's a lot of tasks I don't have the time/brainspace
to tackle just yet.
If a solid back port for a common version of python (and mod_wsgi)
between staging and prod is not available, I'd go this route, and
upgrade everything to the same version.
Looks like the safest bet. I hate the fact that I have to focus on the
OS and infrastructure instead of the Django side of things. Might leave
some services on the old machine and just move the staging server to 16.04.
> Does anyone have any suggested strategies or advice? The sole
objective is to retire Python 2.7. There are no Django third party app
requirements for Python 2.7. Haven't looked at Buildbot or Trac yet.
Getting your internal tools like Trac migrated should be a lower
priority than your application code.
Unless there is some whiz-bang feature only available for Py3, you'll
probably be on 2.7 for those for a while just because of the
complexity integration pieces you mentioned. That may be problematic
if the same WSGI processes handle all of these integration apps.
I think separating the servers into staging and "the rest" will have to
It seems like folks are reasonably happy with Py 3.4, but 3.5 has a
bunch of async improvements that Django is or will soon be taking
advantage of for Channels.
Agreed. I wouldn't go to this trouble without implementing 3.5. All
development is done with 3.5 and all testing is on 2.7.
You may also want to consider building in a configuration manager such
as Ansible or Salt stack. Once set up, you can deploy multiple staging
and prod servers with a couple commands. With the right planning, that
could potentially work across major Ubuntu versions as an upgrade path.
Do I need a PhD to do that?
Probably won't save you time up front, but it definitely will next
time this comes around, with the added bonus of a near instantaneous
recovery of a dev/prod system build with little need for backups
beyond your custom app code and the play books for your config management.
Otherwise, I wouldn't push too hard to get off of 2.7 just for the
sake of moving to 3.X. Phase it out where it makes sense, or halt
development for a week while the infrastructure is upgraded/rebuilt
Backup, backup, backup...
Thank you James. Much appreciated.
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