Hi All,

Having trouble moving my Django site into production.  I can hit pages for 
my application (no authentication required), and they all seem to work 
correctly.  When I connect to the default admin page, I see the correct 
login dialog box.  When I submit my credentials, I get a 405 Not Allowed 
page returned by Nginx.  I am sure that I have correct credentials, and 
would not expect this page returned even if my credentials were incorrect.
Steps to recreate:

   1. from my laptop browser, connect to www.mysite.com/admin
   2. see default django login screen
   3. type known good account credentials
   4. see 405 Not Allowed page returned

What I expect to happen:

Following steps 1-3 above, in step 4, I expect to see either the default 
Django admin screen, or the default Django failed login screen (looks just 
like the login, with an error message).

The admin login behaves correctly on my laptop, but not on the production 

Configurations between laptop (development) and production:

   1. production uses Nginx 1.4.6 and Gunicorn 17.5 on Ubuntu Linux 14.04.5
   2. laptop is MacOS 10.11.6 running the Django 1.10.1 development server 
   (manage.py run server)
   3. I have collected static files (so far, they only exist for the 
   built-in admin) into a static directory in the root of the django project 
   (one level up from manage.py)

What I have tried:

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