On Fri, Aug 19, 2016 at 4:58 PM, Bill Freeman <ke1g...@gmail.com> wrote:
> If the original data truly isn't on the request object somewhere, you might
> be able to grab it earlier by writing a request midleware.  You might have
> to put it pretty early in the chain.
> The first thing to try is changing the content_type to something more
> appropriate,

What would be more appropriate?

> and see if the data shows up in request.FILES (but my
> experience here is older, and things may or may not still work this way in
> newer django's.
> Somewhat harder is that request.POST[key]'s conversion to unicode might be
> reversible, though not necessarily with an existing codec.
> Finally, you might suck down and decode the request data yourself in the
> middleware, and either save the file and return a response yourself, or fix
> the request up so that the rest of the middlewares and the view won't be
> upset.
> Good luck, and I hope someone gives you a better answer.
> Bill
> On Fri, Aug 19, 2016 at 4:17 PM, Larry Martell <larry.mart...@gmail.com>
> wrote:
>> I have a falcon server that I am trying to port to django. One of the
>> falcon endpoints processes a request that contains a PNG file sent
>> with content_type = 'application/octet-stream'. It writes the data to
>> a file maintaining the correct PNG structure.
>> The falcon code does this:
>> form = cgi.FieldStorage(fp=req.stream, environ=req.env)
>> and then writes the png like this:
>> fd.write(form[key].file.read())
>> I cannot figure out how to do the same thing in django. When my view
>> is called the data in request.POST[key] has already been decoded to
>> unicode text and it's no longer valid png data.
>> How can I do this with django? Should/can I use cgi.FieldStorage? The
>> request I get (of type django.core.handlers.wsgi.WSGIRequest) does not
>> have a stream method. I'm sure there's some way to do this, but I have
>> not come up with anything googling.
>> --
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