Hello this is my first time here. 
So I am trying to create directory index to serve static files uploaded by 
users by using inbuilt view by adding this to my urlpatterns - 

from django.views.static import serve 

url(r'^uploads/(?P<path>.*)', serve, {
            'document_root': settings.UPLOAD_DIR,
            'show_indexes': True,

this gave me

TemplateSyntaxError at /uploads/ 
'i18n' is not a registered tag library. Must be one of:

when trying to access the url with debug=True.

I tried to register the tag library by adding this to my settings.py in in 
TEMPLATES OPTIONS as described here 
<https://github.com/pyinstaller/pyinstaller/issues/1717> and here 

'libraries': {
 'staticfiles' : 'django.templatetags.static',
 'i18n' : 'django.templatetags.i18n',

but still no luck. Can anyone help me with what is going wrong?


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