I'm having two issues with "prefix_default_language" that I was hoping to 
shed some insight on. My URL conf is as follows:

urlpatterns += i18n_patterns(
    url(r'^(?P<city>.+-parking)/?$', CityView.as_view()),

Issue #1: Prefixes

If a city that matches my regex ALSO begins with a language, it translates 
that language. For example: /de-moines-parking translates into German. I 
would expect /de-moines-parking to be in english and /de/de-moines-parking 
to be in German.

Issue #2: Stacking

Currently, the il8n_patterns is also allowing language tags to stack. For 
example, /de/fr/it/de-moines-parking is loading a successful page instead 
of a 404.

Any insight? Is this a bug or am I missing something obvious in my regex?




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