I'm new to Django, so this is probably some kind of beginner's mistake.

Django is set up to run via Apache and WSGI.  It uses Python 3.  The first 
app I wrote works fine.  When I got to the second I wanted to use an app 
name that contained non-ASCII letters.  But I can't get that to work at 
all.  Can anyone explain what I'm doing wrong?  I've failed to find the 
solution using Google.

To isolate the problem, I tried to make a test app following the 
instructions in https://docs.djangoproject.com/en/1.9/intro/tutorial01/ but 
using the app name "appåäö".  But trying to access the page gives me an 
error message:

ImportError at /appåäö/
No module named 'appåäö'

On the other hand, if I copy the file tree for my project, remove the 
SECURE_SSL_REDIRECT=True directive from settings.py, and run using 
"manage.py runserver", *then* it works just fine.  It is somehow related to 
the WSGI environment.  But how can I make it work?

To give a bit more details, this is what I have done:

   1. Added 
   url(r'^appåäö/', include('appåäö.urls'))
   to urlpatterns in dynsite/urls.py (dynsite is the name of the directory 
   with settings.py and similar files).
   2. Run "./manage.py startapp appåäö" to create an initial app tree.
   3. Created a file appåäö/urls.py with the contents 
   from django.conf.urls import url
   from . import views
   urlpatterns = [
       url(r'^$', views.index, name='index'),
   4. Edited appåäö/views.py to look like this 
   from django.http import HttpResponse
   def index(request):
       return HttpResponse("Hej världen!")
   5. Restarted httpd
   6. Point my browser to appåäö in my 
I attach the complete traceback I get.

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