Carlos Yoder wrote:
> As to URLs, I'd need to support at least the following three schemes:
>  * Language codes mapped to directories ( and
> and
>  * Language codes mapped to subdomains ( and
> and
>  * Completely different starting URLs ( and
> and httpd://
> As to the post themselves, each different version would have to be
> aware of its 'sister' posts in other languages, but that's already a
> template thing I believe.

I've made something similar (but not as big) on my site to have 
different language versions of programs I made.  Here are some thoughts.

1.  I18n in Django helps but it works in an assumption that single user 
works in one language at a time because language preference is related 
to a user (be it a cookie or HTTP header). I needed the language to 
depend solely on request URL so a user can explicitly ask for a page in 
one or another language. I needed this because I believe there is no 
such thing as fully translated multilingual sites: there are always 
parts that don't exist in every language. And my case is a perfect 
example because on whole site I have now exactly one page in different 
language :-)

     To deal with it you can use a middleware that looks for certain 
parts of URL and decides a language base on it. To teach then Django 
about the language of the request use:

         from django.utils import translation
         request.LANGUAGE_CODE = language

     Such a middleware may prove impractical if you have very different 
URL structure across your site and in different places there may be no 
language information in an URL or something. Then the code goes from 
middleware into a view decorators that you assign only to those views 
that need i18n.

2.  There is a big gaping unexplored hole (at least in my head) about 
translating content in a database. I've invented a way to do it but I 
don't really excited about it myself. But it works nonetheless :-)

     Models that describe multilingual things (say, Article) get two 
additional fields, 'master' and 'language':

         class Article(models.Model):
           master = models.ForeignKey('self',
             related_name='translations', null=True, blank=True)
           language = models.CharField(maxlength=2, choices=LANGUAGES)
           slug = models.SlugField()
           categories = models.ManyToManyField(Categories, blank=True)
           text = models.TextField()

     The meaning of the 'language' field is obvious. 'master' is a 
relation between an Article in one language (a master one) and all its 
translations into other languages. Related articles contain translations 
in those fields that it makes sense for (like 'text') but don't fill 
other fields (like 'categories'). Values for these fields are taken from 
the master record.

3.  This borrowing from master item is designed to get rid of filling 
translations with same repeated data by hand. But the bad part is that 
in templates I now have to do like this:

         {% firstof object.categories object.master.categories %}

     ... instead of just

         {{ object.categories }}

     May be I'll invent something to automate it later...

4. Getting a list of translations is also not very pretty:

         def other_translations(self):
           if self.master is None:
             return list(self.translations.all())
             return [self.master] + 

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