I have two models: Book and Reply

*the model Book*

class Book(models.Model):
    Model for books

    # other fields

    replies = GenericRelation(Reply, related_query_name='books')

    # managers
    objects = models.Manager()
    objects = BookManager.from_queryset(BookQuerySet)()

    # other methods

    def get_rating(self):
        """Getting rating of book on based scopes."""

        # return 
        replies_with_total_scope = self.replies.replies_with_total_scope()
        rating = replies_with_total_scope.aggregate(rating=models.Avg(
        rating = rating or 0
        return round(rating, 4)
    get_rating.admin_order_field = 'rating'
    get_rating.short_description = _('Rating')

*model Reply*

from django.utils import timezone
# from django.core.exceptions import ValidationError
from django.contrib.postgres.fields import ArrayField
from django.core.validators import MinLengthValidator, MaxValueValidator
from django.utils.translation import ugettext_lazy as _
from django.db import models
from django.conf import settings

from mylabour.models import BaseGenericModel
from mylabour.validators import MaxCountWordsValidator, 
MinCountWordsValidator, OnlyLettersValidator

from .querysets import ReplyQuerySet

class Reply(BaseGenericModel):
    Model for reply about other objects.

    MAX_SCOPE = 5
    MIN_SCOPE = 1

    account = models.ForeignKey(
    impress = models.CharField(
        _('impress (brief)'),
        help_text=_('From 10 to 50 characters.'),
    advantages = ArrayField(
        models.CharField(max_length=20, validators=[OnlyLettersValidator]),
        help_text=_('Listing from 1 to 10 words separated commas.'),
            'blank': 'Enter at least one word.',
            # 'item_invalid': 'Word is not correct.',
    disadvantages = ArrayField(
        models.CharField(max_length=20, validators=[OnlyLettersValidator]),
        help_text=_('Listing from 1 to 10 words separated commas.'),
            'blank': 'Enter at least one word.',
            'item_invalid': 'Word is not correct.',
    text_reply = models.TextField(
        _('text of reply'),
        validators=[MinCountWordsValidator(10), MaxCountWordsValidator(100
        help_text=_('From 10 to 100 words.'),
    scope_for_content = models.PositiveSmallIntegerField(
        _('scope for content'),
            MaxValueValidator(MAX_SCOPE, _('The scope for content must be 
from 1 to %d' % MAX_SCOPE))
    scope_for_style = models.PositiveSmallIntegerField(
        _('scope for style'),
            MaxValueValidator(MAX_SCOPE, _('The scope for style must be 
from 1 to %d' % MAX_SCOPE))
    scope_for_language = models.PositiveSmallIntegerField(
        _('scope for language'),
            MaxValueValidator(MAX_SCOPE, _('The scope for language must be 
from 1 to %d' % MAX_SCOPE))
    date_added = models.DateTimeField(_('Date aded'), auto_now_add=True)

    # managers
    objects = models.Manager()
    objects = ReplyQuerySet.as_manager()

    # other methods

    def get_total_scope(self):
        return self.__class__.objects.replies_with_total_scope().get(pk=self
    get_total_scope.admin_order_field = 'total_scope'
    get_total_scope.short_description = _('Total scope')

*Custom queryset for model Reply*

from django.db import models

from mylabour.functions_db import Round

class ReplyQuerySet(models.QuerySet):
    QuerySet for replies.

    def replies_with_total_scope(self):
        """Determining average scope for each reply by their scopes: for 
content, for style, for language."""

        # getting total sum all of the scopes
        self = self.annotate(
            sum_scope=models.F('scope_for_content') + models.F(
'scope_for_style') + models.F('scope_for_language')
        # determining avg scope
        self = self.annotate(total_scope=models.ExpressionWrapper(
            models.F('sum_scope') / models.Value(3.0), output_field=models.
        # make round for avg scope
        self = self.annotate(total_scope=Round('total_scope'))
        return self

Question next.
I need create queryset method to determinate rating of the each book. For 
it, I need have field 'total_scope' for each reply in a model Book.

I am attemped made method in queryset of a model Book and I don`t know have 
solve this problem.

from django.utils import timezone
from django.db import models

from mylabour.functions_db import Round

class BookQuerySet(models.QuerySet):
    Queryset for books.

    def books_with_rating(self):
        """Queryset with rating of each the book."""

        raise NotImplementedError

        # I need have total scope for each reply for using as next:
        # self.annotate(rating=model.Avg('replies__total_scope'))

Welcome any other solutions (supposed using .extra()), but I need rating 
books in my Admin.

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