ok this is view.

def junior_pending_impacts(request, pk=None):
    queryset_list = IgcNew.objects.all()
    count_new = IgcNew.objects.filter(IGC_Status__contains='New').count()
    # log.warning('%s' % count_new)
    noregistro = overall_impact.objects.all()
    # log.warning('%s' % overall_impact.igc_master)
    if overall_impact.igc_master == IgcNew.pk:
        valor = overall_impact.igc_master
        log.warning('%s' % valor)

    context = {
        "title": "Pending Impacts.",
        "count": count_new,
        "object_list": queryset_list,
        "overall": noregistro,
    return render(request, "junior_pending_impacts.html", context)    

this is template.

    {% for obj in object_list %}
          var myVar = setInterval(myTimer, 1000);
          function myTimer() {
              var d = new Date();
              document.getElementById("demo").innerHTML = 
        {% if obj.IGC_Status == 'New' %}
<div class="panel panel-primary">
  <div class="panel-heading">
    <p><img src="{% static 'img/logo-ea-sof.png' %}" style="float: left;" 
/><h4 align="right" style="color: white; font-family: consolas; float: 
right;">IGC ID: <a style="color: black; font-family: consolas;font-size: 
7;">{{ obj.pk }}</a></h4></p>
      <p><a align="left" style="color: white; font-family: consolas;">IGC 
Subject: </a><a align="left" style="color: black; font-family: 
consolas;font-size: medium;">{{ obj.subject|truncatechars:100 }}</a></p>
  <div id="lesen" class="panel-body" style="overflow: auto; 
                background: #D8D8D8; 
                color: grey; 
                font-family: consolas, Candara; font-size: 12;">
    <strong>Summary: </strong>{{ obj.summary|truncatechars:100 }}</p>
    <strong>Impact: </strong>{% for over in overall %}{% ifequal 
over.igc_master obj.id %}TEST{{ over.igc_master }}{{ over.impact }}</p>{% 
endifequal %}{% endfor %}
    <strong>Pimary Contact(s): </strong>
    {% for over in overall %}

        {% with index=over.igc_master %}

            test {{ index }}
            {% if index == obj.pk %}    <!--here is the problem, because 
dont return nothing.-->
            mal {{ index }}
            {% else %}                
            OK {{ index }}
            {% endif %}

        {% endwith %}

        {% ifequal obj.pk over.igc_master %}
          Test Jaime Sanchez
          {{ over.primary_contacts }}
        {% endifequal %} 
    {% endfor %}</p>
    <strong>NOC Technician: </strong></p>
    <strong style="float: right;">Status: </strong></p>
    <strong style="float: right;">Remaining Time: </strong><p id="demo" 
style="float: right;"></p></p>
    <a href='{{ obj.get_absolute_url_detail }}' class="btn btn-primary" 
    {% endif %}
    {% endfor %}

El jueves, 9 de junio de 2016, 11:33:24 (UTC-5), Ing. Jaime Sanchez 
> Help please!!
> I need do like this
> in django 1.9 template tag 
> {% if model1.obj == model2.obj %}
> print ok
> {% else %}
> print not OK
> {% endif %}
> but don't work.
> someone help me??

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