Another option is to do all the authentication in Apache and use the Django
RemoteUser backend. This would require writing an Apache authnz module to
talk to the c++ server, and adjusting your Apache configs to require
valid-user. Or, if not Apache, whatever server you are using.

Nothing about authentication would be handled at the Django level, but
authorization would still be.

On Tue, Jun 7, 2016 at 4:27 PM, Michal Petrucha <> wrote:

> On Tue, Jun 07, 2016 at 01:44:29PM -0700, Daniel Wilcox wrote:
> > Two options:
> >
> > 1. Tie into Django Authentication
> >
> > You can make a custom authentication backend and do whatever you want for
> > authentication -- including talk over a named pipe and get the OK for
> users
> > if you like.
> >
> > With that you'll be able to use the login_required decorator.  To make a
> > authentication backend you will also need some kind of User object to
> pass
> > to the built-in login and logout functions -- which take care of marking
> > the session appropriately.
> >
> > Of course that bring up a couple other things like storing your session
> > data -- I presume it is happening currently a cached session then?  Or is
> > there a solution for getting sessions data elsewhere?  Anyway typically
> > only the session-id is stored in the cookie and the value is a pickled
> > dictionary if you need to dig into that.
> >
> > 2. c++ is handling users, and auth... and maybe sessions
> >
> > It sounds like this may be your situation.  In which case the appropriate
> > thing to do is to decorate your view functions to check if the requesting
> > session is logged in, and either redirect to login or call the view
> > function decorated.  You could use memcache or something like that to
> store
> > login creds somewhere django can read them directly -- otherwise you'll
> > probably be calling out to your named pipe on every request to one of
> these
> > views.
> >
> > From what I'm reading you'd want something like this -- where you fill
> in a
> > function to call out to your named pipe in 'named_pipe_auth_ok'.
> >
> > def my_required_login(view_func):
> >     def return_func(*args, **kwargs):
> >         assert args[0]
> >         request = args[0]
> >         session_id = request.session.session_id
> >         if named_pipe_auth_ok(session_id):
> >             return view_func(*args, **kwargs)
> >         else:
> >             return redirect('/some/login/url')
> >     return return_func
> >
> > Sounds like fun, cheers,
> >
> > Daniel
> Hi Prabhat,
> Daniel's advice looks correct, but I wanted to add that it would most
> likely be a good idea to implement a custom authentication backend [1],
> and use as much of django.contrib.auth for the rest as possible. There
> are so many little details that you would have to take care of should
> you decide to implement everything on your own – session invalidation
> on login/logout, correct handling of login redirects, and whatnot.
> In the best case scenario, you'd end up reimplementing a big chunk of
> django.contrib.auth, only with your custom code, which will inevitably
> be less thoroughly tested; in the worst case, you'd be left with
> gaping security holes that are easy to exploit.
> The possibility of plugging custom authentication backends into
> django.contrib.auth exists for use cases just like yours. It's the
> smart thing to do.
> Good luck,
> Michal
> [1]:
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