On Wed, Jun 1, 2016 at 5:21 AM, <sevenrrain...@gmail.com> wrote:

> I'm creating a basic CMS. The CMS will contain information about different
> Entities.
> A normal users can only see the information about the Entities but an
> editor will have access to an Dashboard were it can add new Entities or
> updated them.
> I have an app Entity that use class-based view (CBV) for
> create,update,details,list-display (CRUD).
You'll probably need to implement a permission system to control access to

> The urls for listing and details are: /entities and /entity-name
> Because update and create are behind login and use different urls I create
> a second app Dashboard that use the create/update models of the Entity app
One app can handle multiple URL schemes, both for anonymous and
authenticated requests simultaneously. You really only need multiple apps
when there is a clear separation of duties/functionality. They're really
more for organization of the code than any functional/technical reason.

> The urls are account/add and account/edit.
> *There is another solution to have different urls for views of the same
> model ?*
You can have as many views as you'd like for the same model. It is common
in situations where an object can be in different states at different
times. For example, an account is created for a user, so the user needs to
claim it, and then the new user needs to modify their own account with the
right details and change passwords, etc. That may also include having
multiple forms for the same object as well.

I want the fist page of the dashboard to show different information based
> on the following logic(exist and/or is activated):
>    - if doesn't exist I want the CreateView (CBV) and corresponding form
>    to appear
>    - if exist but it is not active a Pending message
>    - if exists and active the data of the entity
> I can do the logic at the template level, but to separate things is better
> to be done at the CBV level. So in this case I need some help, how to
> implement it.

Well, yes, and no. I wouldn't rely solely on the template to handle this
behavior. You'll be twisting yourself into a pretzel to make it work.
There's a couple of ways to make this work:

   - Have a single view that initially examines the situation, and then
   calls the respective functions or CBV's that handle the specific situation.
   Keeps the request logic within the view infrastructure, but not a typical
   strategy as far as I know. The same URL can then serve all of the
   - Have a single view that builds a basic page structure, and use a JS
   framework and AJAX calls to build an SPA that displays the right
   - Have a separate view for each situation, along with a separate URL,
   and another view/URL for the main dashboard. Have the main dashboard view
   check for your logic, and redirect the browser to the URL for each action.
   Once the situation is corrected (form submitted, etc.) then redirect back
   to the main dashboard. This would be my preferred method.

You can use template inheritance in all of these situations to keep the
amount of template code down (which is generally advised since the template
system tends to be the slowest part of Django).


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