On Fri, May 13, 2016 at 01:37:43AM -0700, schaf...@gmail.com wrote:
> HI Michal
> I would suggest that you do this the other way around; instead of 
> > merging Media into Book, I'd merge Book into Media, drop Book, and 
> > rename Media to Book. Since you're using multi-table inheritance, the 
> > child model's primary key needs to be its OneToOneField pointing to 
> > the parent, so you'd need to alter a OneToOneField into an 
> > auto-incrementing ID field. While it may be possible to do that, it's 
> > not something I'd want to try myself. There are many potential 
> > pitfalls in that, and each database appears to have a unique way of 
> > handling auto-incrementing ID columns, each with its own set of 
> > limitations. 
> I agree with you, but I was trying to get rid of the parent table, because 
> the parent table was created from a 3rd party library, which I would like 
> to get rid of.
> (it makes problems in the new Django version 1.6 and the inheritance is 
> still not needed. It would have been better to use just one class from 
> beginning, but then the 3rd party class could not have been used. So saving 
> time in the past result in my conversion issue. :-)
> Do you think it would be better to fully create a new table and merge the 
> attributes into it?
> Afterwards I would have to change all the foreign keys but your argument 
> with converting the OneToOneField into an auto-increment seems to be a 
> little risky.

That could be workable – you could perhaps even achieve this with just
a few SQL queries. First, you create new_table with all necessary
columns, then you fill it with a single INSERT INTO new_table SELECT
... FROM old_parent_table LEFT OUTER JOIN old_child_table ... (Or
maybe an inner join, if you don't care about parent entries without an
associated child.)

Yep, it does seem to me that this might be easier than the first thing
you were trying to do.

> Btw: I'm using mySQL

Ouch. You probably already know this, but mysql's lack of support for
transactional DDL means that if a migration fails halfway through,
you'll have to either restore your database from a backup, or fix it

> I don't think it's necessary to drop UNIQUE constraints in a table 
> > before renaming it, but I may be wrong (and it might also depend on 
> > the database you are using). Are you getting any errors when you try 
> > to do this? 
> Till now I do not get to this point, but I think if I create a new table 
> and merge everything into it, I would not have this problem, as no renaming 
> would be required.

Well, you might still want to rename the new table to have the name of
the old table (after you drop the old table). But as I said, I don't
think renaming a table should need that you also drop and recreate
UNIQUE constraints, although, obviously, I may be wrong. (I don't use

> SO I would reduce my problems to the foreign key which would have to point 
> to the new table.
> Something like this:
> 1.) Create new table
> 2.) Create new foreign key in existing tables to the new table (nullable)
> 3.) Copy the values of book and media into the new table (this creates new 
> records with different id's as in media.id)
> 4.) Convert the new foreign key in the existing tables 
> 5.) Make foreign keys not nullable where appropriate.

I think I would do it slightly differently:

1. create the new table
2. fill the new table (for example with that INSERT INTO ... SELECT I
   mentioned above) while keeping all primary key values the same
3. drop existing FOREIGN KEY constraints referencing the old table
4. drop the old tables
5. rename the new table to have the old one's name
5. recreate FOREIGN KEY constraints

I'm not sure how much South can assist you here, though. I haven't
used South in a long time. Some of it might require running raw SQL,
but at least South doesn't seem to hide intermediary M2M tables from
migrations, so dropping and recreating the FOREIGN KEY constraints
will hopefully be as easy as just altering the fields to IntegerField
and then back to ForeignKey.

Good luck,


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