Hi Rob,

On 05/03/2016 12:23 PM, Rob Ladd wrote:
> I've noticed something troubling in Django formsets:
> Each formset.form has a hidden field with the id of the model being edited. 
> All one would need to do is change this id and submit, and the default
> formset |clean()| or |save()| methods don't bat an eye.

First of all, if you believe that you've found a security issue in
Django, please err on the side of caution and email
secur...@djangoproject.com, rather than reporting it in public. Thanks!

Second: can you provide a sample project demonstrating the behavior you
describe? I'm unable to reproduce that behavior, and by code inspection
I don't see how that behavior could occur, either. If you pass in the
`queryset` keyword argument when instantiating the formset, only objects
matching that queryset will be editable via the formset. Meddling with
IDs will at best allow you to create a new object, never to edit one
that's outside of `queryset`. But formsets always allow creation of new

It is true that the given queryset could match some new object on submit
that wasn't part of the queryset when the formset was initially
displayed, if that object was created or edited such that it now matches
the queryset filters in the meantime. There isn't any reasonable way for
Django to address this problem: there isn't necessarily any location
available to store state in between display and submit other than the
page, and that's under the control of the user. You should just be sure
that the filters applied to the `queryset` accurately describe the
limitations you want applied to the editing abilities of the user being
shown the formset. In a typical use case, the `queryset` would apply a
filter like `(owner=request.user)`, allowing a user to edit only the
objects they own.

If you still believe you're seeing a security issue here, please email
secur...@djangoproject.com with step by step reproduction instructions.



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