> In file "ez_setup.py", a configuration line should be
> in stead of

The ez_setup.py and the corresponding things it used have actually
been removed since the 0.95 release; having to constantly make minor
changes like the one you point out, and the requirements it imposed on
the installation process, just weren't worth it. Django now just uses
the standard Python distutils instead of setuptools.

> Secondly, I was trying to connect it to the database, then I added a
> line of DATABASE_ENGINE = "sqlite3" to the settings.py file and
> configured the DATABASE_NAME as the directory. Then I got a traceback
> error when I was trying to execute "python manage.py syncdb", it saids
> that one file is trying to import an unexisting module in python 2.5.
> The module name is "pysqlite2", and it is not in python module folder.

This is mostly a Python 2.4 -> 2.5 compatibility issue; at the time
Django 0.95 was released, Python 2.5 had not been released, so Django
0.95 relies on the old third-party SQLite module instead of the one
that comes with Python 2.5. The current Django trunk (which you can
get by following the instructions for installing the development
version) was updated shortly after the Python 2.5 release to include
some extra logic to check whether it's running under Python 2.5 (in
which case it uses Python 2.5's built-in SQLite module) or an earlier
version (in which case it will require the old third-party SQLite

"May the forces of evil become confused on the way to your house."
  -- George Carlin

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