
I work for a very small company that I developed an application for, all 
using MS Access (it has back-end MS Access db - although this is planned to 
change to some more robust RDBMS, and a front-end app built in MS Access). 
Currently this app is used to calculate the exact wages of some employees 
(sorry, English is not my native language so I don't know how that type of 
wage is called here, but basically we look at how many products they 
produced and calculate it based on that. It's not a hourly wage). However, 
this summer I would like to expand it to do some order management too (ie. 
each order has specific products that need to be produced... each of those 
can be produced by our employees and so it's directly linked to the wages).

However, it is very hard to manage everything using MS Access. Basically 
each time I make any change to FE or BE, I have to re-distribute the FE to 
all of the front-users. This is not a HUGE problem, the big problem, 
however, is within the MS Access itself, that is, it's very hard to manage 
all the forms as they are listed as simple names (ie. you cannot sub-group 
them efficiently to make a tree-view). Overall I cannot see myself working 
with MS Access in 5 years time as I can already see the scalability 
problems after a few months of working with it.

What I thought of, however, is making a website that is only for local use, 
but is it possible to have the same functionality as a regular front-end 
app? Is this good idea to begin with? I had a brief look at Django (I'm 
VERY new to web-dev, but I'm a fast learner I like to think) and I really 
like it so far. But is it possible to have the same level of functionality 
MS Access offers? That is, for example a sub-form on a form that gives more 
details about the current record selected in the main form? Ie. main form 
consists of overview of 10 recent orders and the lower portion of the main 
form is a subform that displays some detailed info about a selected order.

How does it stand from security-perspective if the app is changed from 
local to public? Obviously even on local I'd imagine I'd put a login 
requirement there, similar to how the admin page has it, but how safe is it 
regardless if put to public? Are there pre-determined measures that if 
taken, it will be 100% secure? As you'd imagine I wouldn't be very happy if 
someone deleted all of our inventory records because they could bypass the 
logging system.

Is there any good literature I can read up on doing some similar 
exercises/examples? For instance: orders/inventory management web app?

Thanks a lot in advance!

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