
On Django 1.8 (at least, all I can currently check.)

The method walk_items at django/template/defaultfilters.py:682, uses a
look ahead that technically doesn't always work.

If you look at the function, and notice at the end this

if next_item:
    yield next_item, None

That will yield back the next_item as if it's a string/leaf, with no
children, which IS NOT always the case.  There is no check to see if
it has children, only item is checked.

Of course, in this use case, you are choosing to delete a single model
object, so it is safe to assume the first item in the walk will be a
string, and the next, if any, could be an array (children), or a
string (just the next item.)  But, when recursively calling this
method on sublists, it is possible miss a list based simply on where
it comes in the items_list.

The problem is that the last case up there assumes because the
next_item wasn't a list, the next item after it won't be either,
because after that line, control goes back to top to get the "next"
element, after next_item, from the iterator.

I can't share code.  But, if you create some levels of model
structure, I'm sure you can make this happen.  I'm happy to help with
that, should it be necessary.

The fix I'm using ....

    def walk_items(item_list):

        class PushbackIterator(object):

            def __init__(self, iter):
                self.stash = []
                self.iter = iter

            def __iter__(self):
                return self

            def next(self):
                if self.stash:
                    return self.stash.pop()
                    return self.iter.next()

            def push(self, item):

        item_iterator = PushbackIterator(iter(item_list))

        for item in item_iterator:
                next_item = next(item_iterator)
            except StopIteration:
                next_item = None
            if not isinstance(next_item, six.string_types):
                except TypeError:
                    yield item, next_item
            yield item, None
            if next_item:

I monkey patched a fix for my project with this.  Comments welcome.


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