I am using Django-rest-auth (https://github.com/Tivix/django-rest-auth) in 
my django project for login and registration. I see a default registration 
form as in attached file.

Currently I am being able to register a new user with email instead of 
username. The default auth_user table in my MySql database has following 
columns: (id, password,last_login, is_superuser, username, first_name, 
last_name, email, is_staff, is_active, date_joined)

My settings.py :

 registration'allauth','allauth.account','rest_auth.registration',#Following is 
added to allow cross domain requests i.e. for serving requests those are coming 
from frontend app 'corsheaders','flights',)

I want modify my registration form to have first name and last name with 
above fields so that when I register a new user, those two columns are also 
populated with first_name & last_name. Currently I have no additional view 
for registration nor any custom user model, I am simply using API endpoints 
provided by django-rest-auth.

*How can I achieve this?*

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