On Mon, Apr 25, 2016 at 04:17:08AM -0700, gu99r...@student.chalmers.se wrote:
> Yes, that worked. Someone better fix that mistake in the tutorial.

I looked at the tutorial, but I didn't find any code example that
would contain an order_by call containing a space after the minus
sign. If there is such an example, could you point it out, so we can
fix it?

> Also the 
> template for index.html is also wrong, by changing line 4 to
> <li><a href="{{ question.id }}/"> {{ question.question_text }}</a></li>
> it now works.

I'm not entirely certain which template you are referring to here,
since the third part of the tutorial iterates on the template for
polls/index.html, but assuming you mean the first version, both
"{{ question.id }}/" and "/polls/{{ question.id }}/" would be correct,
as long as you use the same URL patterns as described earlier in the
tutorial (i.e. if the correct URL is /polls/<id>/).



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