Hi there, 

This is less about solving a specific coding issue in Django, and more 
asking for input from other people who have hit walls in Django.  I hope 
this is within the scope of what this list is used for, and if it isn't I 

I've now written a couple of Django CRUD applications, and I keep running 
into walls in Django which I suspect are quite common to advanced beginners 
or early intermediate users.  I'm in the process of organizing a sprint, 
and am hoping to start working with people on gathering and creating 
resources for people who are beyond the core basics, but still learning 
some of the fundamentals. 

Some of the issues I really struggled with, and had blocks on included:
-  deployment 
- switching to Postgres
-  allowing a user to edit data in a modelform where there was a foreign key

I'm guessing these are all very common use cases, and that there are more 
which could be better documented.  I'm interested in helping to make it 
easier for people at my level to find resources and code samples,and I have 
two questions for the group:

1.  What are some of the common use cases you've struggled with? 
2. What resources, beyond the docs and official tutorial have you found to 
be helpful, accurate, and up to date with Django 1.9 (or 1.8) and 
associated packages?

Thanks so much for your ideas. 


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