
I am using Django 1.9.3. I have a project with several apps. I would like 
to update the tables of one of the app at the startup of the project.

I have all the code written, it looks like the following (it's an example):

from my_app.models import My_table

def on_startup():
     my_thread = Thread(execute = populate_tables, loopmode = True, 
background = True) *# thread running in loopmode in background*
     my_thread.start() *# starts the thread and returns*

def populate_tables()
     response = call_webservice() *# let's imagine this method returns data 
for creating a new model instance*
     My_table(response).save() # this save() isn't threadsafe in this 
example, but that's not my point ;-)

So far, with Django 1.6.5, I came with some code from the __init__.py file 
of my app. It was working, but I thought it was quite ugly (starting a 
thread with an "import" looks really like hidden code).

I saw in Django 1.9 the "ready()" method. But it's written in the 
documentation to not deal with models in this method so I am confused.

I could add the startup code in the command starting my server but this 
startup code is app oriented and in my opinion, the projects has nothing to 
do with my app.

What do you recommend?

I'd be happy to provide more info if needed.

Thanks in advance,

Julien Gréard

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