On Fri, Feb 19, 2016 at 10:20:42AM -0600, Malik Rumi wrote:
> In [1]: import uuid
> In [2]: uuid.UUID('61877565-5fe5-4175-9f2b-d24704df0b74')
> Out[2]: UUID('61877565-5fe5-4175-9f2b-d24704df0b74')
> In [3]: uuid.UUID4('61877565-5fe5-4175-9f2b-d24704df0b74')
> ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
> AttributeError                            Traceback (most recent call last)
> <ipython-input-3-8d12e49c94ea> in <module>()
> ----> 1 uuid.UUID4('61877565-5fe5-4175-9f2b-d24704df0b74')
> AttributeError: 'module' object has no attribute 'UUID4'
> So uuid.UUID4() [or 3 or whatever] can only be used a certain way, as in
> Michael's example?
There's no such thing as UUID4 in the Python uuid module -- there's
UUID (which is the class representing UUIDs), and there's the function
uuid4 (note that it's lowercase, it takes no arguments, and it will
return an instance of UUID).

> The remaining question for me, then, is *what is the proper format *for a
> uuid in a json fixture, or any other document I am trying to mass import
> into Django?
> 61877565-5fe5-4175-9f2b-d24704df0b74 - (apparently not)
> '61877565-5fe5-4175-9f2b-d24704df0b74'
> ('61877565-5fe5-4175-9f2b-d24704df0b74')
> UUID('61877565-5fe5-4175-9f2b-d24704df0b74')
> urn:uuid('61877565-5fe5-4175-9f2b-d24704df0b74')
> some other variation I haven't come up with yet?
> Here is a portion of my json document:
> [{"model": "essell.Code", "fields": { "uuid":
> "48189959-be4c-4f10-819a-f1657061b3cd", "arrow": "Amendment II",
> "shorttitle": "", "popularname": "Keep & Bear Arms", "acronym": "",
> "offcite": "", "brokenarrow": "", "slug": "amendment-ii-keep-bear-arms",
> "codetext": "A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a
> free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be
> infringed.", "effdate": "1792-03-13", "sunsetdate": "", "sunsetcause":
> "''", "postdate": "2016-02-05 13:06:53.20548-06", "crossref": "''",
> "codekind": "Article", "codekindsortseq": "1", "codelevel": "Constitution",
> "codelevelsortseq": "1", "siblingrank": "11", "childof_id": "",
> "jurisdiction_id": "e6e11b06-ea3b-4e98-a31f-9a83447ad884"} }, {"model"
> ....
> As you can see, the uuid is double quoted, but so are all the keys and
> values. This is normal json format as I understand it. So should the uuid
> be single quoted inside the double quotes? i.e.
> "'61877565-5fe5-4175-9f2b-d24704df0b74'"
> How do I get this done? Thanks.

The two UUIDs in that JSON snippet look correct at a first (and
second) glance. Have you tried using a debugger, or just a
quick-and-dirty print statement to see what value is being passed into
uuid.UUID that makes it raise an exception?

My guess would be that the JSON file contains a value somewhere that
is not a correct UUID, but I may be wrong, of course.



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