On Tue, Feb 16, 2016 at 6:36 AM, Remco Gerlich <re...@gerlich.nl> wrote:

> Hi,
> We have a web application that usually runs on Ubuntu servers on the
> Internet. In the background it calls software that runs on Windows servers,
> over a network.
> For a new project, this application must run standalone on a laptop, in
> the field, used by not very technical users. We can make the Python/Django
> code Windows compatible pretty easily, but not the background software, so
> it will be a Windows laptop that will run everything.
> What's the best way to run Django as a service under Windows? Is Apache /
> ModWSGI feasible?
I would first try a native installation of Apache/mod_wsgi. Apache installs
as a service and can easily be made available on both the laptop and other
machines on the same network. Adding other complexity layers like
virtualization, containers, or Cygwin (which I'm not even sure how to
classify, lol) will almost certainly give you trouble with a portable
server environment like you are trying to establish. Not that it isn't
possible to do it with those technologies, but your level of complexity
increases immensely, and the ratio of complexity layers to end-user issues
is usually exponential in nature.

Having never dealt with Django/Python on Windows myself, I'm afraid I can't
speak to how well supported such a setup is (although it seems to be per
the Apache/WSGI pages).

This guide seems reasonable and appears to be close to what you want.

Also happened to just stumble across this on a Googling expedition:


Good luck!


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