Hi Django Experts

I came across something unaccepted while using signal. 

    def clone_creatives(self, src_theme_id):
>         themeA = Theme.objects.get(id=src_theme_id)
>         self.unit_set.all().delete()
>         for u in themeA.unit_set.all():
>             u.id = None
>             u.theme_id = self.id
>             u.save()

@receiver(post_save, sender=Unit)
> def unit_post_save(sender, instance, **kwargs):
>     print instance.theme.id

 Here instead of printing id of self theme it is still showing id of 
But if is use
u.theme = self
everything work normal.

What's the different between u.theme = self and u.theme = self.id ?

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