On Feb 8, 2016 10:00 AM, "learn django" <siddhesh.dive...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi,
> I store some data like email text, headers and from email address in
encoded format in the database.
> I want to have a  page where I can display all this information in
readonly format.

If you want data displayed in a read only format, then display the days
without using any forms.

> What is the ideal place & way to decode this information and pass it to
django UI.

The way is dependent on how you've stored the data. The place is likely as
close to the end of the request/rendering cycle as possible, maybe even in
the template rendering, using something akin the obj.get_foo_display()
which would be a method call on the model to convert the data from your
stored format to something human readable. You may also be doing the
conversion in the view of you need to do something with the data that a
template operation can't easily perform.

> I was thinking of reading all the information in my views.py.
> But then I don't want to affect my DB. aka information in DB should
remain encoded.
> eg.
> class FooViewSet(viewsets.ModelViewSet):
>     queryset = Message.objects.all()
> Message object has headers, body and from fields which are encoded before
storing in db.
> If I perform any operation on queryset those changes will be reflected in
DB so I cannot do that.

There's no code there that would ever modify your data, unless the parent
class contains such code. If so, the library providing the parent class
likely has a read-only variant that you can use.

The only time the DB would be affected is if you executed a query set that
has a modification action attached to it, such as update() or delete().
Querying the data via filter() or all() should never change it.

> If I do something like below then I get exception for using list as
queryset becomes a list object instead of queryset object.
> class FooViewSet(viewsets.ModelViewSet):
>     queryset = list(Message.objects.all())
>     for obj in queryset:
>         body = base64.b64decode(obj.body)
>         obj.body = body

This class is not configured correctly, which is why you are getting the
traceback. Your queryset parameter should not include the list() wrapper.
The for loop needs to be contained in another class method that is called
at runtime, where you can gather the queryset and execute list() on it at
that point so you continue to get fresh data.

I'm assuming you are using DRF to provide the view set parent class. Please
read up on their documentation to determine the method hook to override and
insert your for loop. Even if this code loaded correctly, you would only
ever see the Foo objects that were available at the time the process was
started, since the class will only be instantiated once, and your queryset
parameter will always contain the same list of Foo objects. I doubt that's
what you want.

Another topic. You mentioned both decryption and decoding. There is a very
significant difference between those two concepts.

Base64 operations only handle encoding/decoding, not encryption. Granted,
to a human, it looks obfuscated and 'encrypted', but to a computer, it is
trivial to process and interpret. If you believe that having your data
Base64 encoded in the database is providing any sort of security benefit,
you are very mistaken. All you've done is made things much more difficult
for you as the programmer to convert between B64 and probably Unicode to
make things 'human-readable'. It also makes searching and indexing unusable
in most cases.

Google 'Base64 encryption' if you want more of an explanation.


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