On Wed, Jan 20, 2016 at 6:14 AM, sonu kumar <sonunit...@gmail.com> wrote:

> https://djangosnippets.org/snippets/2619/
> According to above snippet if we access {{ counter_var }} in template
> after initializing it should return previous count. But in my case it does
> not return anything.
> That snippet is from 2011, and is tagged for Django 1.3. I'd be careful
with it. There's been a fair number of changes to template tags between 1.3
and 1.8, so I wouldn't be surprised if something is slightly off here.

> template code
> <div class="question_number pull-left">Q{% counter %}. </div>...<script>var 
> no_of_questions={{ counter_var }}</script>
Have you installed the django-debug-toolbar and inspected the value of the
context? It could be that the snippet is no longer updating counter_var in
the context correctly. Also make sure that you are using {% counter %} and
{{ counter_var }} inside the same set of {% block %} tags, as variable
scope does not extend outside of blocks.

> Template tag is registered and it prints correctly Q<count>. except
> counter_var. Even I tried by setting context variable counter_var from
> view as {'counter_var':0,...} then it returns '0'.
> How to get it working so that it returns previous counter?
> e.g.
> Q1.
> Q2.
> then counter_var should return 2 instead of nothing.
> Django: 1.8.6
> Python: 2.7

How exactly are you generating these questions? Is there another context
variable that contains the list of questions that you are printing? And if
so, are you using a {% for %} loop to generate them? If so, I would
recommend you use {{ forloop.counter }} rather than trying to track the
counts yourself. See the list of variables available inside of {% for %}
loops at the end of this section:


> *Note: I asked same question on stackoverflow but no help till now.*
A link to the SO question would be helpful if you want help there, or if
someone wants reputation points.


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