
i want to create a query for likes in my post details

my html tags

<p>{{movies.likes}} peaple liked this article</p>
<p><a href="/like/{{post.id}}">Like</a></p>

my urls

url(r'^view/(?P<slug>[^\.]+)/$', views.view_post, name='view_post'),

url(r'^(?P<pk>[0−9]+)/$', views.like_post, name='like_post'),

my view

def like_post(request,pk=1):
 return HttpResponseRedirect ( '/posts/view/%s' % pk)

but i have error not work

Page not found (404)Request Method:GETRequest URL:

Using the URLconf defined in categories1.urls,      Django tried these URL 
patterns, in this order:       

   1. ^admin/                                       
   2. ^$ [name='index']                       
   3. ^view/(?P<slug>[^\.]+)/$[name='view_post']                       
   4. ^category/(?P<slug>[\w-]+)/$[name='view_category']                       
   5. ^(?P<pk>[0−9]+)/$ [name='like_post']                       
   6.  ^media\/(?P<path>.*)$                                       

The current URL, like/1/, didn't match any of these.

any idea ?

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