On Mon, Jan 18, 2016 at 04:25:59AM -0800, Brutus Schraiber wrote:
> Am Samstag, 16. Januar 2016 22:23:06 UTC+1 schrieb Vijay Khemlani:
> >
> > At least to me it doesn't make a lot of sense to define new models in your 
> > tests, but I also don't know the particular problem you are solving.
> >
> I have an app, that defines a couple of *abstract models* and *mixins* in 
> it's `models.py`, that are only used in other apps.
> To test those abstract models and mixins I created concrete models (from 
> `django.db.models.Model`), that use these abstract models and mixins, in 
> `test.py`.
> I created them in `test.py`, so that the test models don't get created in 
> the DB outside of test running. I thought this the way to handle such 
> things in Django?
> At least for me this generally works fine. In a special case I get an 
> `django.db.utils.ProgrammingError` from one of my test models though. To 
> debug this, I wanted to take a look at the SQL Django generated for it.
Hi Brutus,

Could you perhaps post the full traceback of the ProgrammingError? It
smells a bit like your test models don't get imported early enough to
be fully initialized before database creation happens. And this might
be caused precisely by the fact that your models are not inside

As for your original question, unless you put all your models into
models.py of an app inside INSTALLED_APPS, or at least import them
from within such a models.py module, they won't be considered at all
when generating migrations, or when dumping out the creation SQL.

When you run a management command, ``django.setup()`` is called, which
populates the model registry by importing the models module of each
installed app, not much else. Particularly not app.tests. So there's
no way for the ``sql`` management command to be aware of your test

The tests module is only imported when running tests by the test
runner (unless you import it from somewhere else in your app, but
that's not a very usual thing to do). That happens after
``django.setup()`` has finished, at which point models should already
be properly initialized, which, obviously, is not the case with models
in tests.py.

In theory, it should work – the test runner tries to import all test
modlues before setting up the test database, so in case everything is
correct, all deferred model setup actions should still finish before
creating the database. However, if there is some kind of error, they
might not, and that means it will be harder to debug those situations.

Really, do yourself a favor, create a separate app for your tests,
with its own models, and its own settings. That is the most painless
way to have additional testing models.

You can take inspiration from the following section of the docs:



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