I'm in the process of trying to minimize the amount of code I need to use 
to render a form with bootstrap styling with the hope of rendering with 
just {{ form }} but I haven't yet managed to find a way to render a 
BooleanField with the checkbox before the text.

from django.forms import Form, BooleanField

class MyForm(Form): 
    field = BooleanField(label='Test Label') 



The above test code will output 

<tr><th><label for="id_field">Test Label:</label></th><td><input class="" id
="id_field" name="field" type="checkbox" /></td></tr>

But what I'm hoping to achieve is the same look and feel as shown in the 
bootstrap docs <http://getbootstrap.com/css/#forms-example>.

<label for="id_field"><input class="" id="id_field" name="field" type=
"checkbox" />Test Label:</label>

 The problem in doing this is that the rendering is handled via the form, 
where the label and the field are positioned/rendered separately as shown 
in the source 
, and I have yet to find a place to override that will allow me to render 
the widget inside of the label...


Any ideas how I can achieve this?

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