
Am Fri, 1 Jan 2016 15:29:16 -0800 (PST)
schrieb Jure Erznožnik <jure.erznoz...@gmail.com>:
> 1. Expressions gathering vs declaring: Django has utilities to gather 
> expressions from sources, txt files and also javascript files. While
> that by itself is a design choice, it also presents us with problems
> such as (possibly very) long expression keys, random .po file layout,
> etc. Are there any serious advantages that favor this approach vs
> declarative one?
> 2. What's the point of .po / .mo files? Their structure is not really
> far from standard Python code, so why all the work with compilation?

I wasn't around Django at that time, but to mee it seems pretty
clear that those two aren't explicit design decisions made by Django but
instead Django just decided to use gettext[1], the de-facto standard for
internationalization in the Unix world instead of implementing an own
system and both the gathering and the .mo files are old design
decisions of gettext.


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