On Friday, December 18, 2015 at 4:55:16 AM UTC-7, maringire ringaz wrote:
> How do i install django-cms(or any other web app) on xampp or runserver 
> using pycharm

First, I would say that xampp is a non-starter, because it does not have 
support for Python. [besides that, I prefer nginx and postgresql to apache 
and mysql.]

Second, I would suggest using the professional edition of PyCharm -- it has 
specific support for django.  There is special pricing for many use cases. 
For example, if you are creating an open source product, the price is zero. 
Running runserver becomes a single button press.

Third, you can either build a django-cms project using their install 
script, then make a PyCharm project of the result, or...

Fourth, you could use the"hard" way 
<http://django-cms.readthedocs.org/en/develop/how_to/install.html> and make 
your own requirements.txt file, then let PyCharm (which will use pip) do 
the installations for you.  If you will be creating more than one copy of 
your site, keeping control of your requirements.txt is a good idea. On my 
next project, I will be doing that in order to automate a complete 
installation using pip via saltstack <http://saltstack.org>.

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