Hi Axel,

An installed application and a registered URL namespace are two distinct 
concepts. A URL namespace can only be defined by setting the app_name 
attribute in your urlconf. In this case, you haven't set a URL namespace 
for your authentication app, so your urls are not namespaced.

Also, the urlconf parameter to reverse() should point to the root urlconf, 
not to the urlconf in which your current url is defined. Since it defaults 
to the root urlconf defined in your project, it's easiest to omit it in 
most cases. If you don't, and use 'authentication.urls' as your root 
urlconf, the generated url will miss the 'authentication/' part of your 

To reverse the password_change url, simply use this:



On Monday, December 14, 2015 at 1:37:56 PM UTC+1, axel...@chaos1.de wrote:
> In my root url, I have: 
>     url(r'^authentication/', include('authentication.urls')), 
> in authentication/urls.py, I have no app_name declared. 
> In a module in authentication, I have 
>         from django.core.urlresolvers import reverse 
>         from django.apps import apps 
>         print('authentication installed? ' + 
> str(apps.is_installed('authentication'))) 
> reverse('authentication:password_change',urlconf='authentication.urls') 
> and receive 
>         django.core.urlresolvers.NoReverseMatch: 'authentication' is not a 
> registered namespace 
> while the above debug print gives 
>         authentication installed? True 
> What am I doing wrong here? 
> Please advice, 
> Axel         
> — 
> PGP-Key:29E99DD6  ☀ +49 160 9945 7889  ☀ computing @ chaos claudius 

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