So... if I'm understanding things correctly, a Django 'project' can have
multiple 'apps' in it, and these 'apps' can be reused to some extent
between projects. As in: copy the folder of code for an 'app' from one
project to another (editing things as needed for the new project)?
An app can either have its own style/templates, or it can use the
'project' templates / CSS, correct?
Maybe I haven't came across it yet... but how do you tie the different
apps of a project together? How does the
As an example... lets say I want to set up a web site for running sports
tournaments. One 'app' might be the competitor information, sort of
like a contact / address book. Another might be for setting up specific
events, and another would be for entering the scores and doing various
things with them (validating, enforcing bounds / constraints,
calculating aggregates, breaking ties, publishing results). The
specific functions are distinct enough it seems like they would each be
separate apps, but they all need to access the same database, possibly
the same tables to get the information that one app or another needs.
This seems to be where my (admittedly very basic) understanding of how
Django works pretty much falls apart...
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