Thanks, yes I did look at model validation in the docs - it looked to be 
tied to use via forms.  I hadn't realised that it's not called 
automatically when an instance is created.  So if I was to validate when 
using get_or_create method would I then manually call full_clean() after 
get_or_create() ? 

I think you may be right regarding just setting up forms for the models.  I 
don't need a form but do need the validation.  

Thanks for your help. 

On Wednesday, 21 October 2015 19:09:01 UTC+1, Simon Charette wrote:
> Hi Yunti,
> Did you read about model level validation 
> <>?
> Calling model_instance.full_clean() triggers validation but it's not 
> implicitly called when you save an instance.
> For your date case you'll have to include a layer that feeds Django models 
> with objects from your string representation. That's what 
> Django forms do under the hood using the DATE_INPUT_FORMAT setting 
> <>
> .
> I would suggest you define Model form for your models and use them to 
> perform conversion and validation of your scrapped data.
> Simon
> Le mercredi 21 octobre 2015 13:49:08 UTC-4, Yunti a écrit :
>> I have a django project where I want to save web scraped data to the 
>> database via the django ORM- which will be used in the django app. 
>> The data is currently in the form of JSON -> converted to python dict via 
>> json.loads
>> I setup my model with the narrowest/ most constrained field type possible 
>> - (e.g. DecimalField with decimal_places=2 and max_digits=4 for prices)
>> I naively tried to save the data/values from the relevant keys in the 
>> JSON directly to the relevant model field, however, this raised errors due 
>> to data format.
>> It looks like data entered via a form is converted to the relevant python 
>> object in the form validation - e.g. a date string '24 May 2015' is 
>> converted to a datetime object and the date format validated.  
>> None of this appears to happen when saving directly to a model? (would be 
>> good to have my understanding here confirmed?) and so saving '24 May 2015' 
>> directly to a DateField in a model produces a format error. 
>> What validation (if any) does Django do when saving to a database 
>> directly via the ORM? - Does it just rely on the type checking in the 
>> database (so for sqlite this would be nothing but would for postgres)?
>> Thanks.

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