On Sunday 18 October 2015 06:51 PM, bobhaugen wrote:
krmane, are you posting these same questions in the REST framework forum?

I'm guessing they would like a SQLAlchemy plugin.
If such a plugin does exist it is great.

Unlike you, however, I like their documentation, and have found the DRF gang to be responsive to issues. That being said, I haven't actually used it in production yet. Just experimenting. I too don't find the documentation bad or unorganized, just that there are some situations not covered.
And I feel enough time should have been given to explain fundamentals of serializers or viewsets. For example no matter which ORM I use, I do not totally rely on the Object mapping in any big project. The approach I take is to use ORM for small result sets and using sqlalchemy expression language for big tasks. Data objects have an overhead and the convenience comes at a cost of speed for huge data such as those with more than 50000 records and that too when queries are complex enough.
Of course I will write to them in a short while.
happy hacking.
On Saturday, October 17, 2015 at 9:28:33 AM UTC-5, krmane wrote:

    Hi again,
    Xavier, I have gone through the main DRF documentation and also
    seen your blog.
    I am wondering if you can send me an off line email which can
    explain the relation between serializer and viewset?
    I have not got the concept clear, I am beginner to REST and all I
    understand is that the response is generally in form of json.
    happy hacking.

    On Friday 16 October 2015 03:39 PM, Xavier Ordoquy wrote:

    I wrote a short blog post about getting most of Django REST
    framework without using Django models.

    You will loose the integration with the Django Models and will
    need to do a few things by yourself (pagination for example) but
    it’s still perfectly possible to do that.
    Note that most of the documentation covers Django Models because
    it’s where most of the options are. When you don’t use them, it’s
    up to the developers to provide the content which will be very
    different from a project to another.

    Hope this will help,


    Le 16 oct. 2015 à 12:00, kk <krm...@gmail.com <javascript:>> a
    écrit :

    hello again,
    I haven't got my doubts solved but a few got added.
    I was again going through the tutorial on Django REST framework.
    I am trying to know if I can use a serialiser without tying it
    to the DJango ORM or for that matter without tying it to any thing?
    I prefer using SQLAlchemy and get the data out using sql
    expression language.
    Then I would like to convert this data to json format for
    sending as response.
    Is this possible?
    Happy hacking.

    On Friday 16 October 2015 11:39 AM, kk wrote:
    Dear all.
    I got some very important suggestions from members of this list
    on using Django for an accounting and inventory system,
    including Point of Sale.
    After the POS topic was discussed,
    OUr team decided to write a RESTfull server with all the
    business logic in API.
    We plan to do this using some thing like Flask micro framework
    and then write a complete web app using Django to consume these
    Of course it could be argued that why not use Django REST
    But here I am a bit surprised as well as a bit disappointed.
    Contrary to what we have all seen and experienced about
    Django's documentation, the rest framework is not at all
    comprehensively documented.
    I am still not totally understood the use of
    |serializers.HyperlinkedModelSerializer. viewset is also not
    totally explained properly. the tutorial is pretty fast and
    confusing. I think a better example would have served it more
    understandable. Or perhaps the documentation there asumed that
    every one who reads it is a Django as well as REST expert, even
    then it is confusing. Any ways coming back to the topic. So
    What suggestions could I get about my main query? happy
    hacking. Krishnakant. |
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