Anyone please?

Best regards,

Am 07.09.2015 um 21:18 schrieb Carsten Fuchs:
Dear Django group,

after having read all of the Django docs that I could find, I still have two 
about the proper use of formsets. Summary first:

   1. What is a good way to make sure the data received in the POST request 
agrees with
the "initial" data (number of items and items order is as expected)?

   2. What is a good way to augment each form with additional data that is only 
used for
decoration (rendering additional information) in the template, but is not a 
form field?

More details:

In a single view, I would like to let the user edit calendar entries, i.e. one 
value for each day in a month. The related model is:

     from django.db import models

     class CalendarEntry(models.Model):
         ref_date = models.DateField()
         entry    = models.CharField(max_length=40, blank=True)

An important issue is that we don't create an instance of CalendarEntry for 
each day in
a month, but only for those that actually have an entry! However, the formset 
that is
presented to the user should of course have one "entry" field for each day in 
the month
(properly initialized if we have a related CalenderEntry instance, blank 

Thus, it seems that a ModelForm for CalendarEntry cannot be used, because we 
need some
forms for which a CalendarEntry instance does not exist, but the form instance 
still exist and be initialized with a date (and an empty "entry" field).

Therefore, I made a simple form like this, mimicing the model:

     from django import forms

     class ExampleForm(forms.Form):
         ref_date = forms.DateField(widget=forms.HiddenInput())
         entry    = forms.CharField(required=False, max_length=40)

The date field is hidden, because the user is not supposed to change it. But we 
need it
for reference later, when the POST data is processed. (It could possibly be 
omitted in
this example, but if this was not the days in a month but the students in a 
class, it
would be the only reliable reference connecting the value to the student.)

Now, let's suppose I came up with a list of initial values, both when the 
formset is
first created in the GET request, and also later when the data is submitted in 
the POST
request. For example like this:

     # Example is specific to September:
     from datetime import date
     september_inits = [{"ref_date": date(2015, 9, i + 1)} for i in range(30)]

     for ce in CalendarEntry.objects.filter(ref_date__year=2015, 
         september_inits[]["entry"] = ce.entry

Now the view is implemented like this:

from django.forms.formsets import formset_factory
from django.shortcuts import render_to_response
from myapp.forms import ExampleForm

def example_view(request):
     september_inits = [...]   # as above
     ExampleFormSet = formset_factory(ExampleForm)

     if request.method == 'POST':
         formset = ExampleFormSet(request.POST)

         # ~~~~~ Question 1 ~~~~~
         # What is the best way (or: a proper way) to check if formset
         # agrees to september_inits? Can I use
         #     formset = ExampleFormSet(request.POST, initial=september_inits)
         # then follow
         # If so, how to access the "initial" data??

         if formset.is_valid():
             # ...
         formset = ExampleFormSet(initial=september_inits)

     # ~~~~~ Question 2 ~~~~~
     # What is the best way (or: a proper way) to add per-form information,
     # e.g. "September 24th is a holiday"?

     return render_to_response('manage_articles.html', {'formset': formset})

The two questions have been reformulated as comments above.
Any help would very much be appreciated!

Many thanks and best regards,

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