> FYI,
> it works if the zip or the rar files were generated in windows,
> not if they come from Linux =(...

Do you mean that the client is running Windows and can't see zip files that
were generated on a Linux machine, or that the client is Linux and you
can't see files generated by that client? The latter is more likely, file
extensions are almost useless in Linux. Haven't toyed with this, but I
could see a Linux client having issues filtering by a file 'type' since
that would require reading at least a small portion of each file to
determine whether or not or is a zip file.

Do the files you are looking for have the .zip extension? I highly doubt
the browser is able to distinguish between files based on where they were
generated without some sort of custom plugin magic (since it shouldn't

> On Tuesday, September 29, 2015 at 1:41:27 PM UTC-5, dk wrote:
>> I set up a form to upload files,  and every thing works fine,   the only
problem is when I am in the webpage and I click the button to choose the
file I want to upload doesn't show or zips, or rars.  I try playing with
the input tag accept, from all the type of zips,  to leave it open to
upload what ever file.

Is this a standard HTML input file field? I would recommend removing the
accept parameter to see if that clears it up. What values are you providing
to accept?

Can you see the files if you tell the file chooser window to show all files?

>> I try it in Firefox, chrome and IE,   I am missing something?

There must be something in your HTML code that is triggering this behavior.

Do you have any JS that might be interfering?


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