On 1/10/2015 1:36 PM, Daniel Chen wrote:
I have tried that (by the way, the offending migration didn't show up in
the django_migrations table because the migration failed).
I think we might be talking past each other. Sorry if I'm being unclear.
Here's an example of what's going on:
You haven't mentioned the Python/Django version. Does ticket
https://code.djangoproject.com/ticket/23226 apply?
1. Before migration, my database is at state X, and my migrations files
reflect that.
2. I change my model file, updating the state (let's call it state Y).
Then, I run make migrations, generating a new migration file that
corresponds to state Y.
3. I run the migrate command to get my database to state Y. It fails,
so now my database is back at state X. There is nothing in the
database to delete (not even from the django_migrations table)
because the transaction was rolled back.
4. I delete the migration file that corresponds to state Y. My database
is back in state X, and my migration files again reflect that.
5. I run the migrate command again, and it fails (same problem). The
error is django.db.models.fields.FieldDoesNotExist: [Model] has no
field named [field].
6. [field] corresponds to a new field in state Y, not in an existing
field in state X. I'm confused - why is it looking for a field that
doesn't exist in the pre-migrated state (state X)?
7. So, I assume that the model state somehow is de-synced from the
database/migration state. I hop into the Django shell and check the
model metadata. The fields exactly match state Y. My database is
still in state X.
Does that make sense?
On Wednesday, September 30, 2015 at 4:10:18 PM UTC-7, Mike Dewhirst wrote:
On 1/10/2015 6:51 AM, Daniel Chen wrote:
> Thanks for the reply. I should have mentioned that I tried all of
> the problem is the model state is ahead of the database state, not
> behind it. It seems that the database migration was atomic, so
> everything was rolled back as that transaction failed, but the same
> thing didn't happen at the model level. So, now I'm stuck with a
> state that the previous migrations don't capture.
The model is the master. It is outside the transaction and will
never be
touched by migrations.
Your task is to identify which previous migration matches the current
database structure and delete all migrations after that point. That
means deleting the migration files after the one you identified AND
deleting the migration records in django_migrations in the database.
Thereafter, the next migration will pick up all the changes in the
and bring the database back into alignment.
This is all much the same as I said last time so if this doesn't
work it
means I haven't understood your problem.
> On Wednesday, September 30, 2015 at 5:08:22 AM UTC-7, Mike
Dewhirst wrote:
> Â Â On 30/09/2015 4:16 PM, Daniel Chen wrote:
> Â Â Â > Hi all,
> Â Â Â >
> Â Â Â > A migration I was running (manage.py migrate) died in
the middle. I
> Â Â Â > deleted the migration file, fixed the problem (wrong
default value),
> Â Â Â > recreated the migration, and re-ran it. But now, I'm
getting an
> Â Â Â > inconsistent state (error message: [Model] has no field
> Â Â [field]).
> Â Â Â > When I check the database, all the old fields are
there. However,
> Â Â when I
> Â Â Â > hop into a Django shell (manage.py shell) and check the
model fields
> Â Â Â > ([Model]._meta.fields), they reflect the new,
> Â Â state. What
> Â Â Â > is going on, and how do I fix this?
> Â Â Do it again. Delete the migration. Take note of the last valid
> Â Â migration. Open the django_migrations table and delete the
> Â Â record(s) after the last valid migration.
> Â Â makemigrations again and then migrate again to bring the
database into
> Â Â line with your models.
> Â Â BTW, the shell is looking at the model not the database.
> Â Â Mike
> Â Â Â >
> Â Â Â > Thanks!
> Â Â Â >
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