Thanks to everyone for your help and support!

As it turns our, Malcoms advice of:

>Then start removing code from your models until things start working again.

...was what I needed.  It gave me a chance to wade through the models
and find the offending code.

Looks like it was line 84 of the origional code ->
professor = models.ForeignKey(User,choices = [(,
user.get_full_name() or user.username) for user in
related_name="professor", verbose_name="Faculty" )

I changed this to something that was already working elsewhere:
professor = models.ForeignKey('UserProfile', related_name="professor",
limit_choices_to={'user__is_active__iexact' : '1' ,
'user__groups__name__iexact' : 'Faculty'}, verbose_name="Professor")

I also changed a few field names in the Story model and model names
elsewhere.  The working (right now, anyway) can be found at

Thanks!  jd

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